Excerpt from the Polish Corrosion Society Statute
§ 7
  1. A citizen of Poland, having full legal capacity and citizen rights, may become a Member of the Polish Corrosion Society.
  2. A legal entity, interested in the Society’s activities, supporting the Society’s objectives and paying the fee, may become a Supporting Member of the Polish Corrosion Society.
§ 8
  1. New members and supporting members are admitted by the Board’s resolution, after submitting a written application form.
  2. Membership expires by:
  • a voluntary resignation made in writing,
  • exclusion from the members list due to non-payment of membership fees for 2 years, despite a single reminder,
  • exclusion by a final judgment of the Peer Disciplinary Board. 
§ 9
  1. The Members operate personally in the Society.
  2. The Supporting Members operate through their representatives.
§ 10
  1. A Society Member has the right to:
  • be elected and to vote in the elections to the Society’s authorities,
  • participate in the General Assembly of the Society,
  • participate in the Society’s activities and obtain benefits resulting from the Society’s activity,
  • submit requests concerning the Society’s activity.
      2. A supporting member enjoys the same rights as a member, excluding the right to be elected to the Society’s authorities.
§ 11
Society’s Members are obliged to:
  1. Realize the Society’s objectives and protect its interests.
  2. Participate in the Society’s activities.
  3. Obey the Statute and the Society’s resolutions.
  4. Pay the fees regularly.
