PSK Conference PRAKTIKOR STAL-BETON'2022, 1-3.06.2022

The annual PSK PRAKTIKOR STAL-BETON 2022 conference took place on 1-3 June 2022 at the Holiday Inn hotel in Józefów near Warsaw. It was 484th EFC event.1 9 papers were delivered, nearly hundred participants took part.

After opening, Grand Corrosionist Medals were presented to Jerzy Kosior nad Marek Dardzikowski.

There were 3 plenary papers: “Where atmospheric corrosion takes place?”, presented by Tomáš Prošek, “Struggle with galvanic corrosion, history marked with errors” by Andrzej Królikowski, “CORNETprojects implemented by PSK” (Małgorzata Zubielewicz), “Macroeconomic environment of the corrosion protection industry - current state and prospects” (Anna Białecka).

The next sessions were: “Corrosion and protection of reinforced concrete”, “Coatings on steel” and ”Passive fire protection coatings”.  The surface cleaning demonstration took place outside the hotel.

For the first time at the 15th Scientific and Technical Conference of PSK PRAKTIKOR STAL-BETON - 2022, a new form of transferring knowledge and discussing  appeared, namely Discussion Panels. First  Discussion Panel concerned  problems that companies from the anti-corrosion industry may encounter in contractors work in clash with technical realities and the law in Poland.Second Discussion Panel was titled ‘Understand fire protection. Which side is the responsibility on?’. The role of the investor and the problems encountered by the designer, the supervision inspector, contractors and suppliers of intumescent were analyzed.

On the third day of the conference, a general assembly of the Polish Corrosion Society (PSK) took place. PSK President Agnieszka Królikowska summarised the existing PSK Sections and Commissions, then new initiatives were discussed.
