7th PSK Conference, Ostróda, Poland, 2013

7th Annual Conference of the Polish Corrosion Society “MODERN CORROSION PROTECTION TECHNOLOGIES"

Ostróda, Poland, 8-10 May 2013  ·   EFC Event No. 368

Between 8th and 10th of May, an annual scientific and technical conference of the Polish Corrosion Society „Modern anticorrosion technologies” was held at the Willa Port Hotel in Ostróda Poland, registered as the 368th event by the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC). The patrons of the conference were: Polish Chamber of Steel Structures, Polish Zinc Coatings Society, Association of Bridge Engineers of Polish Republic, Polish Chamber of Road Construction and the Certification Unit of the Polish Technical Inspection. The media patrons were the journals “Bridges” and “Corrosion Protection”. Conference materials, in the form of CD were, as every year, edited by the Teknos company.

The tradition of every conference is the choosing the recipient of the Award of the Great Corrosionist. This year it was corrosion engineer Michał Jaczewski.

The plenary session consisted of three papers. Andrzej Królikowski (Warsaw Technical University) in his paper titled “Corrosion in a big city – atmospheric corrosion of city infrastructure” discussed changes of  concentrations of basic corrosion influencing factors in a city atmosphere in Poland in the last twenty years and their influence on corrosion of steel, galvanized steel, coated steel and concrete. Concentrations of pollution of air, which are deciding factors in atmospheric corrosion of steel, in Polish territory have diminishing tendency, are however still large in comparison to majority of western European countries. Diversion of types and concentrations of corrosion factors depending on region of Poland can lead to a local diversion of corrosion speed of structural materials. The author stressed the necessity of making and periodical update of corrosion maps, which should be taken into account when engineering the anticorrosion design and development and current update of prognosis of changes in corrosion atmosphere.

The second paper “Corrosion and anticorrosion of underground city infrastructure – overview of problems” was delivered by Wojciech Sokólski (SPZP Corrpol). He discussed corrosion phenomena, which next to mechanical damage are one of major causes of failures of underground infrastructure (gas, heating water and water pipe pipelines), in which a special threat are stray currents passing from tram or railway traction. He also discussed anticorrosion protection methods such as: electric drainage, galvanic separation and joint cathodic protection. The author underlined the fact that it is possible to handle repeating failures of the underground city infrastructure with use of modern technical knowledge and experience of growing number of specialists in the field cathodic protection.

The plenary session was ended by the paper by Anna Gerymska (Certification Unit of the Polish Technical Inspection) “Certification of cathodic protection personnel”. The author discussed different steps of implementing the procedures of certifying the cathodic protection personnel according to PN-EN 15257:2008 Cathodic Protection – competence levels and certyfication of personel of cathodic protection. Approved certification program shall be published on

On the next day of the conference two parallel sessions were held.

In the session concerning “Guarantees in anticorrosion works” four papers were delivered, covering the issue of guarantee contracts from the point of view of  paint supplier, anticorrosion applicators and the investors. Andrzej Głębowicz (International Paint) in his paper  “Guarantees for anticorrosion works in industrial construction. Formal and legal aspects, specificity of guarantee contracts and inspection” discussed basic legal conditions and placement guarantee contracts and the general shape and requirements of guarantee contracts in anticorrosion. The European law, and also the local law, does not regulate in any way the responsibility of the applicator of anticorrosion systems for performance. Therefore all parties entering agreements for making anticorrosion protection have to interpret – more often than implement – existing legislation with respect to guarantees, “fitting” guarantee clauses to general legal terms and determining the form and contents of guarantee contracts is a result of many years of long term relations in contacts between the investor and contractor. Similar issues were mentioned in the paper by Leszek Augustynek (International Paint) “Guarantee contract – a median of proposals”.

Ewa Mazurek (Polwar) in her paper „Guarantee for anticorrosion work in the eyes of a conscious applicator“ the highest emphasis placed on liability of building process participants, including contractors and paint suppliers.

The paper  “Commisioning of bridges after work completion and during guarantee period” by Robert Chrzanowski and Agnieszka Kulesza (Municipal Road Authority Warsaw) describes the rights of Investor and the liabilities of Contractor arising from the performance guaranty and the procedure in case of defects found during the commissioning or within the warranty period. Typical damages caused by improperly performed works were shown.  

In the session "Electrochemical protection" were delivered papers on: specific protection against stray current pipeline coated with insulating coatings of high tightness, combining built on the Gulf of Puck Cavern underground gas storage of the national transmission system (Marek Fedorowicz, Michał Jagiello, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ -SYSTEM) cathodic protection of underground tanks at filling stations on the basis of 10 years of service measurements of cathodic protection installations LPG tanks at 8 petrol stations , which found a malfunction of protection in the first years of their life (Jan Szukalski, Jezmar Jankowski, Wojciech Sokólski, SPZP CORRPOL); surge of power as a major source of failure cathodic protection system - based on operating experience presents a statistical analysis of operating events occurred , affecting the continuity of operation of these systems, by source of their formation (Mazowiecki Gas Company), Blazej Nowakowski (Atrem) investigated the correlation methods of stray currents, which so far, despite the very wide and a long period of use, it is not a standardized technique (Wojciech Sokólski, SPZP CORRPOL); impact conductance rail system, electric traction current in the underground metal structures (Józef Dabrowski, Institute of Electrical Engineering). At the end of this session, a meeting of the Polish Committee for Electrochemical Corrosion Protection SEP took place.

The next session concerned the research issues. Łukasz Augustynski (Research Institute of Roads and Bridges) presented a new method for assessing the thickness of coatings on structures (PGP - measuring coating thickness) which produces a discrete value representing the entire series of measurements the thickness of which, thanks to statistical processing parameter is authoritative, and gave examples of the application of this method in practice.
The paper of Małgorzata Zubielewicz (Institute of Polymer Materials Engineering and Dyes) and Agnieszka Krolikowska (IBDM) "What you can learn of anti-corrosion materials using modern research methods" discusses the use of a coating such test methods as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with X-ray dispersive spectrometer (EDS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), optical microscopy, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR  , electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS ) and scanning vibrating electrode (SVET). These methods allow the prediction of the durability of coatings based on knowledge of their structure and determining the causes of corrosion damage and are useful not only in research, but also in the expertises.
In the paper "Monitoring of atmospheric corrosion in Poland" the authors (Joanna Kobus, Lech Kwiatkowski, Institute of Precision Mechanics) presented examples of the results of the evaluation of the corrosion rate of materials to forecasting and imaging atmospheric corrosivity in selected areas of the country. Modeling of atmospheric dispersion enables the assessment of annual corrosion defects and atmospheric corrosivity categories not only in large areas such as municipalities or counties, but also around the sources of emissions, such as power plants or streets and roads, allowing for more precise maps of the corrosion rate .
In the next paper "The diversity of HDG zinc coatings - consequences of this phenomenon " ( Agnieszka Królikowska , IBDIM , Małgorzata Zubielewicz, IMPIB ) discusses the impact of differences in zinc coatings in terms of composition, structure and surface activity - resulting from the type of galvanized steel, the type of dip galvanizing and zinc plating parameters - the properties of the coatings. The variety of influences include zinc coatings their mechanical and corrosion resistance and durability duplex system, and therefore it would be advisable to develop a new standard to allow for these differences , because the basic standard BS EN ISO 1461:2011 Zinc coatings applied to steel products and iron-dip  requirements and test methods do not cover this type of differentiation.
Hot dip zinc coatings also concerned the last paper of this session, "The repair of hot-dip galvanized zinc coatings illustrated  with  an example of gantries", delivered by Rajmund Sulik (Zingametall Poland). The author showed examples of typical defects of zinc coatings  and discussed the possibility of their repair methods.

In the session on the protection of concrete structures two papers were discussed. Michał Wójtowicz (Building Research Institute) gave a lecture "Protecting the structural material and the most effective way to ensure the sustainability of concrete structures", which discussed the principles of design and construction of concrete mixtures that meet the requirements of protection in the community and stressed the importance of the sustainability of concrete products for construction safety and amount of capital expenditures for maintenance. Teresa Możaryn (ITB) in the paper "Protection of concrete structures against corrosion in the light of the requirements of PN -EN 1504-2 and documents ITB" discussed the requirements for products and systems used for painting, waterproofing and insulation chemical resistant concrete surface. The properties of these products and systems , confirmed the declaration of conformity or the certificate of compliance with the standard or technical approval are the basic parameters the basis of which the selection of types of protection methods for the application.

The last session was devoted to issues of safety in the work. Andrzej Brandt (Agency Anticorr) presented a hazard occurring in the performance of the paint work and the principles and methods to ensure the safety the steelwork and Michał Jaczewski (Tikkurila Poland ) conducted a review of legislation on occupational safety and environmental protection, and gave examples of gross violations of safety rules.
Selected papers will be published in the journal "Ochrona przed Korozją" (Corrosion Protection) .

During the conference there were also presentations of companies: Graco (Mariusz Życki) and MasterService (Jacek Jakubiec) and a poster session at which Wiesław Pieniążek (Aniticor PPH) introduced the system properties AnticorRay repair.

Since 2008, PSK awards for the best engineering , master and PhD in the field of corrosion and corrosion protection. Each year the competition has become increasingly popular , as evidenced by the growing number sent in the works. This year's winners were :
- In the category of engineering work : Kinga Sikor (Higher School of Dental Engineering)) for his work " The influence of pH and the presence of chloride ions in a corrosive environment on the course potential-kinetic polarization chrome- cobalt alloy and stainless steel " made ​​under the guidance of prof. Henryk  Bala, - In the category of master's theses : Andrzej Dejneka (Lublin University of Technology , Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture) for his work " Protection against corrosion of steel bridges" made ​​under the direction of dr . Eng. Marek Łagoda ,
- In the category of doctoral dissertations : Iwona Masternak ( Czestochowa University of Technology ,Department of Materials Processing Technology and Applied Physics , Department of Chemistry ) for his work " The efficiency of hydrogen absorption and corrosion behavior of electrode material LaNi4 (Zn , Bi ) made under the guidance of prof. Henryk Bala.
Were also given the prize of last year's laureate of the competition in the category of engineering work Ewa Knapik (Cracow University of Technology ) for his work " Corrosion and adsorption additive for lubricating oils 1,3,4- thiadiazole- 2 ,5 - dithiol studied by electrochemical methods " made ​​under the direction of Dr. Ing. Stefan Kurek.
The winner of the competition  organized by the "Ochrona przed Korozja" journal was Robert Chrzanowski (the prize was annual subscription of the journal).

During the "Round Table" discussion the theme of next year's conference was chosen. The participants proposed the new PSK section: Manufacturers and suppliers of liquid paints  and discussed developing recommendations on the safety of anti-corrosion and information on applicable and voluntary documents, which may be required by investors.
The conference ended with the PSK General Assembly.

Małgorzata Zubielewicz

Conference Abstracts
