4th PSK Conference, Magellan, Poland, 2010
4th Annual Conference of the Polish Corrosion Society “Modern Anticorrosive Technologies"
"MAGELLAN 2010” Bronisławów, Poland, 21‐23 April 2010 · EFC Event No. 337
This year’s conference was sponsored by the following companies (in alphabetical order): INTERNATIONAL Protective Coatings, JOTUN, PPG, SIKA, SPZP CORRPOL, TALKOR, TEKNOS, ZINGAMETALL Poland. TEKNOS published conference materials in electronic form.
Plenary paper entitled: “Catastrophes, losses and hindrances caused by corrosion”, presented by Agnieszka Królikowska, was an introduction to the conference. The author presented the economic losses caused by corrosion, showed examples of failures and catastrophes caused by corrosion and underlined the necessity for the authorities, industry and the society to understand the fact that “an adequate corrosion strategy means increase of safety, functionality, comfort, environment protection and, in a long-term perspective, savings.”
After the plenary paper, award ceremony for the Great Corrosionist and „Virtutti Anticorrosioni” took place. This year, the Committee awarded the medals to Agnieszka Królikowska, Wojciech Sokólski and Jacek Bordziłowski.
Diplomas for “long-term contribution to anticorrosion development in Poland, a good example of honest work, introduction of new materials, technologies and inspection procedures, as well as being inquisitive in research and kind for co-workers” were presented to: Tadeusz Abramski, Andrzej Taranczewski and Janusz Wróbel. SAVEPOL Poliuretany received a diploma for “appreciation for good practices in Polish anticorrosion, diligence, innovation, vast knowledge and promoting education”.
The first session concerned mostly fireproof coatings.
The second day started with a session about tank protection.
The third session’s subject was corrosion protection of reinforced concrete.
Third day conference program consisted of: presenting diplomas to sponsors, presenting results of a contest about “Ochrona przed Korozją” and the Round Table Discussion.
The most talked-about topic during the Round Table Discussions were the possibilities of improvement of corrosion protection in Poland by e.g. influencing the decision-making authoritites and raising awareness. There was also discussion about raising funds for a project that would aim to define economic causes of corrosion and strategy for their reduction. Topics for the next conference were set.
During this year’s conference the attendace was as good as on the previous ones, intense discussions continued until late hours. A full venue means that there is much interest for the topics presented – which is not a surprise as the participants are the ones who set the themes of future conferences. The Polish Corrosion Society’s conferences are the meetings of professionals with much knowledge and experience, representing a large community of corrosionists.
Papers and presentations:
Tadeusz Abramski: The optimal workspace equipment for paint coatings renovation of petroleum products storage tanks
Aleksandra Baraniak:Requirements concerning corrosion protection of storage tanks for petroleum products according to obligatory legal acts. Test methods for evaluation of coating system suitability
Adam Bochenek, Paweł Franczak, Wiesław Pieniążek: The coating systems for ferroconcrete bridge objects protection based on the alphalt modified urethanes
Agnieszka Królikowska: Catastrophes, losses and hindrances caused by corrosion
Andrzej Kubacki: The painting of steel - tanks intended to the storage of water, food and chemical products
Marek Łukomski: New approach in fire tests of fire protective coatings applied to steel structures elements
Witold Majewski: Performance standards of concrete corrosion protection in bridge building and the anticipated developments
Andrzej Miodek: Liquid fuels storage tanks repairs renovation of anticorrosive protection
Teresa Możaryn: Durability of building products and sustainableuse of natural resources
Marek Podgórski: Presentation on fire protection systems
Štefan Rástocký: Rules and testing required by european commission and cen before the products intended for fire protection of steel members are putted on the market and used in buildings
Krzysztof Saramowicz: Corrosion hazards of engineering structures
Wojciech Sokólski: Cathodic protection of reinforcing steel in concrete – present state of technology, scope of application and standard requirements
Wojciech Sokólski: Corrosion protection of tank wallshaving contact with the ground and electrolytes cathodic protection – standards, regulations, practical applications