3rd PSK Conference, Jurata, Poland, 2009

3th Annual Conference of the Polish Corrosion Society “Modern Anticorrosive Technologies"

"JURATA 2009”, Poland, 18‐20 March 2009  ·   EFC Event No. 323

The conference started with the General Assembly of the Polish Corrosion Society, during which activity and finance reports from February 2008 to March 2009 were presented. During the assembly prof. Witold Milewski and Marek Marcinkowski were awarded the Great Corrosionist medals for their contribution to anticorrosion. „Virtutti Anticorrosioni” diplomas were presented to conference sponsors. 

Marek Marcinkowski receiving the Great Corrosionist medal

The Agreement of Mutual Cooperation between the Polish Zinc Galvanizing Society and the Polish Corrosion Society was signed.


First paper in session I entitled: “The World Corrosion Organization: genesis, mission and goals, program of activities” was presented by Wojciech Sokólski (SPZP CORRPOL).

The second day started with a session about contractors of anticorrosion works. Two of the papers in session II concerned bridge protection.

Session III papers concerned fire protection of industrial structures. 

In the afternoon, two parallel sessions IV took place: “Metal coatings” and “Cathodic protection”

Session V “Field news” and “Round Table” discussion took place on the last conference day.

The main topic during the “Round table” discussions was fire protection of structures.  The second topic discussed during the conference was the interest of construction designers about anticorrosion so that the designs take into consideration modern and reasonable corrosion protection methods. 

It is quite satisfying to note that over 150 people attended this year’s conference, which is a clear sign that there’s a ned for this kind of events that are not only a platform for exchange of information about new materials and corrosion protection but also a place of social meetings for different professional groups connected with corrosion protection, experiences exchange and integration of corrosionist community.

Papers and presentations:

Aleksandra Baraniak, Krzysztof Nowowiejski: Surprises during the renovation old strtuctures

Anna Orzyłowska, Bernadeta Szczepańska: Contractual requirements in anticorrosion work

Jacek Bordziłowski: Problems connected with evaluation of paint coatings adhesion

Andrzej Borowy: European regulations regarding unification of fire classification for building products and testing methods

Genowefa Szydłowska-Herbut: Methods of fire resistant testing of paint coatings and structures in ship building. Legal basis and requirements

Anna Orzyłowska, Maria Siek, Stanisław Rytel: Hot-dip galvanizing and paint coatings coupling in duplex system

Marek Fiedorowicz, Michał Jagiełło: Why is it important to protect underground steel gas pipelines with insulating coatings of high quality

Władysław Janik: Systems of introducing and application of fire protection products requirements for industrial objects

Jezmar Jankowski: Selection of electrical resistance corrosometry system for cathodic protection efficiency monitoring

Tomasz Koszewnik, Janusz Wiński: Application of DCVG and soil resistivity measurements for gas pipelines rehabilitation

Agnieszka Królikowska: The maintenance anticorrosion works of new generation paint systems on steel bridges – influence of the quality of workmanship and paints characteristic

Bronisław Wiechuła, Czesław Latocha: Safe coating composite on the isolated metallic baseforpotentially explosive atmosphere

Wiesław Lewicki, Arkadiusz Macikowski, Agata Cieślicka, Piotr Daniewski: Slurry blasting for stel and concrete surface preparation

Jerzy Wojciech Łukasiak, Władysław Gierej: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of fire – resistant paints by infrared spektroscopy method

Milewski W., Królikowska A., Olbrycht A., Pawlik Sz:. The influence of thermal spraying parameters of the metal coatings costs

Agnieszka Dobek-Halman, Joachim Rother: Anticorrosion systems very-high-solid and solvent free for the protection of steel and concrete constructions

Kazimierz Paplinski: Zink lamella coating applied non – electrolytically

Grzegorz Król, Sylwia Jordan, Anna Kolecko: Application of polyurethane systems on the building site – problems and solutions

Stanisław Gutteter: Hot-dip galvanizing – efficient anticorrosion protection

Bernadeta Szczepańska: Anticorrosion works on the hight steel construction

Marek Tyrybon: Proces technologiczny pokryć malarskich na taborze towarowym

Michał Wójtowicz, Helena Bobryk: Protection of metal construction materials against corrosion and methods of testing anticorrosive coatings in the light of the european union documents

Michał Wójtowicz: Regulation of european commission documents referring to anticorrosion protection in industry and construction

Wojciech Sokólski: Problems connected with training of cathodic protection specialists according to requirements of PN-EN 15257

Wojciech Sokólski: The World Corrosion Organization: genesis, mission and goals, program of activities

Małgorzata Zubielewicz: Intumescent coatings for fire protection of steel structures


Conference Abstracts
