2nd PSK Conference, Molo, Poland, 2008
2nd Annual Conference of the Polish Corrosion Society “Modern Anticorrosive Technologies"
"MOLO 2008” Smardzewice, Poland, 25‐27 February 2008
The conference started with the General Assembly of the Polish Corrosion Society and Session I with four papers:
Pier Luigi Bonora: Remarks about nanoparticle coatings
Andrzej Królikowski: Allergic activity of metals
Wojciech Sokólski: Certificated cathodic protection personnel – required competence according to PN-EN 15257
Zbigniew Miodowski: Hot-dip galvanizing and duplex system in practice
Other papers and presentations:
Piotr Barszcz, Marcin Ciepliński: Quality and quantity assessment hidden corrosion of riveted lap’s connections in aspect of extending life service’s aircraft used in Polish Army
Jacek Bordziłowski: Practice of Ikorol application
Anna Drobny: Anticorrosive protection in industrial environments
Marta Januś, Barbara Stypuła: Plasmic technic in the processing of surface of materials in the fight with corrosion
Leszek Mulewski: The practice of acoustic baffles building in Poland selection of corrosion protection problems
Adam Bochenek, Wiesław Pieniążek: Application of commercial industries membranes to anticorrosion protection concrete and steel
Ilona Szczyrek, Tomasz Bazylak: Corrosion protection with powder coatings
Robert Wolski: Noise barriers – relativity between installation environment & durability
In Sessions II and III the following companies presented themselves: Sigma Coatings, International Paints, Teknos, Jotun, Sika, Polwar, Termokor, Polmineral.
According to the Polish Corrosion Society objectives, the conference is not only a place to present modern applications of corrosion protection but also an occasion to discuss specific corrosion problems, as well as exchange of experience during the round table discussions. This year, the biggest topic was fireprof protection and acoustic screens.
Next year’s theme was also discussed. Members proposed to increase the number of papers directly concerning anticorrosion works and information about coating failures. It was also proposed to present case studies and to host a meeting of Contractors.