10th PSK Conference, Ryn, Poland, 2016

10th Annual Conference of the Polish Corrosion Society “MODERN CORROSION PROTECTION TECHNOLOGIES" 

Ryn, Poland, 11-13 May 2016  ·  EFC Event No. 414

The 10th Scientific and Technical Conference of the Polish Corrosion Society (PSK), entitled "Modern corrosion protection technologies", took place on 11-13 May 2016 at the historic Castle in Ryn. This was the 414th event of the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC). The slogan of this year's conference was "Corrosion protection - modernity and the future". This year's conference brought together a record 180 participants with 36 papers being presented in six thematic sessions, including three plenary sessions. The conference was sponsored by: Anticorr Agency, Corrpol, International Protective Coatings, Jotun, PPG, Sika, Teknos, Tikkurila and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The conference was organised under the honorary patronage of: The Road and Bridge Research Institute, the Polish Chamber of Steel Structures, and the Polish Zinc Society. Media patronage was provided by the journals Ochrona przed Korozją, Mosty, Lakiernictwo Przemysłowe, Nowoczesne Hale, Stal, Stalowe Forum, Nowa Stal and

The participants of the 10th Annual Scientific and Technical Conference of the Polish Corrosion Society

This jubilee conference opened with an awards and decorations ceremony. The twelfth Grand Corrosionist Medal this year went to Urszula Szczyrek. The prize for the best presentation/film scenario on corrosion and its effects, prepared for students aged 9 – 12 years, was presented to Agnieszka Dobek-Halman, Anna Białecka and Agnieszka Zapadka. The Polish Corrosion Society presents an award each year for the best product/technology/event in the field of corrosion protection. This year the award went to the Laboratory of Technological Processes of the Faculty of Chemistry at the Warsaw University of Technology for their product IKOROL. This is an inhibitor that improves the adhesion of the successive layers of an anticorrosion system to inadequately prepared steel, galvanized and coated surfaces.

The plenary session began with a paper entitled "People I met", in which professor Pier Luigi Bonora honoured a number of outstanding figures from the world of corrosion and corrosion protection. Professor Agnieszka Królikowska then spoke on the importance of clearly established procedures, schedules and reliability checks on all members taking part in a project in order to achieve long-term, effective corrosion protection.

Prof. Bonora during his presentation

Maciej Wiśniewski highlighted several of the many investment projects realized with the utilisation of Sika Co. products. Finally, the first day closed with a presentation by Wilckens on the application of a paint that changes colour as the coating thickness increases.  The thematic papers were read in two parallel sessions and selected papers will be published in the "Ochrona przed Korozja" journal. In the Protective Coatings session, a paper authored by M. Zubielewicz, A. Ślusarczyk, G. Kamińska-Bach, A. Królikowska, L. Komorowski discussed the protective properties of coating systems in natural and laboratory corrosion conditions, Marcel de Haan of PPG spoke on issues relating to the significance of determining leakage resistance as a criterion for the approval of a coating for use on the internal surfaces of fuel tanks, Jacek Bordziłowski highlighted some interesting cases of premature chalking of aliphatic polyurethane topcoats, caused by the presence of chemical contamination from plantations. The session also included papers on issues relating to the selection of electrochemical conditions for corrosion measurements and interpretation of results (A. Królikowski), developing trends in thermal spraying (P. Milewski), properties of the Fluorex Finish fluoropolymer coating (M. Hop), the capabilities of polyurethane products cured with air humidity (V. Pascalenko), and modern ecological powder coating solutions and corrosion protection systems that meet the Green Buildings requirements (K. Skubiszewska).

In the Corrosion and Protection of Reinforced Concrete session, the following issues were discussed: application of waterproof concrete to ensure the durability of concrete structures (W. Świerczyński, B. Gądecki), the influence of polymeric admixtures on the contraction of cement-based composites (M. Gruszczyński, M. Lenart, U. Paszek), a new non-destructive diagnostic method for assessing corrosion processes in reinforced concrete structures based on simultaneous analysis of the results of three electrochemical techniques (R. Filipiak et. al.), resin concretes used in construction (R. Kasak), and the results of comparative tests of the adhesion of steel and galvanized steel rods to concrete (A. Rusin).

In the Problems Encountered by Site Inspectors session, M. Jaczewski discussed the importance of corrosion protection evaluations carried out by independent laboratories, and Jerzy Kozłowski spoke on the requirements for competency and training of staff supervising and conducting corrosion protection works in the context of the KorrAll project.

In the Surface Preparation session, Lech Kwiatkowski presented a brief overview of the changes in conversion coating technologies since their introduction into industrial practice. Innovations in stream-abrasive surface treatment methods were the subject of four papers, while modern chemical surface preparation technologies were discussed in a paper delivered by Marek Budziszewski, in which the author presented the increasingly popular zirconium, titanium and silane-based nanotechnologies. The next session included topics related to transportation, storage and processing of crude oil. E. Kordalewska spoke on corrosion protection of freight wagons in the light of EU and VPI regulations, J. Szczuka discussed materials and technology for the surface protection of internal liquid fuel tanks, R. Wypych described the growing requirements concerning offshore structure protection from the point of view of the contractor, K. Szymański’s paper explained the use of modern thermal spraying methods, and W. Zych described modern methods of fire-protection for hydrocarbon fires employing epoxy intumescent paints.

In the final session, Infrastructure and Environment, papers dealing with the following issues were presented: corrosion protection of underground municipal and industrial infrastructure (W. Sokólski), corrosion protection of steel hydrotechnical structures in seaports (A. Szypiłow, A. Dobrzykowski), standards and requirements on the corrosion protection and fire protection of drilling and mining platforms (A. Niedziółka, K. Trocewicz), causes of noise barrier corrosion (A. Królikowska, L. Komorowski, J. Noworyta), problems with the application of metallic paint in industrial conditions (P. Lula), and renovation of the Łazienkowski bridge using a high zinc content ethyl silicate primer (R. Chrzanowski, A. Kulesza, R. Jędrasiak).

During the conference, as every year, prizes funded by the PSK were awarded for the best engineering, master's and doctoral dissertations. This year, five master’s theses were submitted to our society, two of which were awarded prizes. The first went to Agata Sotniczuk for her thesis entitled "The effect of heat treatment on selected properties of nanocrystalline titanium", written under the supervision of Prof. Halina Garbacz, at the Faculty of Material Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology. The presentation of Ms. Agata Sotniczuk A distinction was awarded to Mariusz Abram for his thesis entitled "Modification of polyurethane powder coatings for the improvement of their application properties", written under the supervision of Prof. Barbara Pilch-Pitera, at the Department of Polymers and Biopolymers of the Faculty of Chemistry at the Technical University of Rzeszów

During the conference, a general assembly of the PSK and a session of the Round Table took place. The board informed the members of the Association of the signing of an agreement on the cooperation with the FATIPEC association, and of a proposal for the cooperation with the Polish Association of Paint and Adhesives Manufacturers. Members of the PCS voiced positive opinions on the cooperation with the association, and believe that it may contribute to a better representation of the interests of the corrosion protection industry. In addition, preparations for the organisation of the EUROCORR 2018 congress and the topics to be covered at the paper session at the next conference were discussed.

In the evenings the conference participants could wind down on the beautiful indoor courtyard of the castle to some ethno jazz music played by the Warsaw Kyiv Express on the first day and to the music of Conrado Yanez on the second. Mr. Yanez has been a guest at our conference for the last several years.

 Małgorzata Zubielewicz, PSK spokesperson

Conference Abstracts
